Mid Summer Sale !!
Hello Gypsy's , It has been too long since we have sent a Newsletter !!! I have been concerned for you all and hope you are all safe from...
October Give A Way
Our Halloween Give A Way Winner is: Robin, Thank you to all who entered, again I appreciate your many heart felt Comments, and Business,...
WINNER of Welcome to the Victorian Tailor Gypsy Clothing Family !!!
Congratulations!!, Our winner of the February Give A Way is Niki, please email me at: thevictoriantailor@gmail.com, with your address...
Gypsy, Bohemian Spring! Help! Bohemia Buried in Antique Linen and Lace!
Here at Victorian Tailor we are excited for a "New Gypsy Bohemian Spring"! With our Gypsy clothing creations !!!!! January and February...