Mid Summer Sale !!
Hello Gypsy's ,

It has been too long since we have sent a Newsletter !!!
I have been concerned for you all and hope you are all safe from the Covid Virus, and take the necessary precautions that works the best for You !!

I just thought this might be a perfect time to let you know Victorian Tailor is having a SALE !!!
Yes, my First On Line Sale !!!
Maybe having something fun and pretty to look at this will help us deal with the Covid isolation and slow down of society !!
Dresses, Tops are all on Sale, 30 to 50 % off !!
Take a Look, Have Fun finding something just for you or a gift for a special someone !

We are making room for new merchandise !!!

Here's a couple of girls who look like they have found the perfect outfits ! (haha) Just a cute picture I found
Here is a "Corona Granola", Recipe , from my dear friend Wendy, (this is what she named it ) she left a bag on my front porch at the beginning of the shut down, it is
soooo Good !

¼ cup coconut oil
4 tablespoon peanut butter
¼ cup honey or pure maple syrup for vegan option
½ tsp pure vanilla extract
2 cups old-fashioned oats
½ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
½ cup raw pecans chopped
2 tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp sea salt
variations: raisins, dry cherry, cranberry, chocolate chips, etc.
Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Lightly grease a baking sheet, set aside.
In a large bowl mix together oats, coconut, cinnamon, salt and pecans. Set aside.
Melt honey and coconut oil together in the microwave or on the stovetop over low heat until smooth.
Remove from heat and add vanilla to warm coconut oil/honey mixture.peanut butter, Stir until combined.
Mix wet ingredients into dry ingredients until all dry ingredients are evenly coated.
Spread on prepared baking sheet.
Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown, stirring the granola half way through baking time. It may feel soft when you remove it from the oven, but it gets harder and crunchier as it cools so please be careful and do not over bake!
Allow the granola to cool and eat it with your favorite yogurt or milk! Store in an airtight container at room temperature.

Larkspur in the Gypsy Garden

Historic Hand Worked Laces sewn into Durable Antique Linen, Cotton, these are ON SALE NOW !

These are what I call Fireworks in the Garden !! The way they Splay Out, like fireworks, as they Open !!

Bee Balm or Monarda, more Fireworks !!

These mirror strings are simple and fun to make,
Use fishing line, size and length you want,
Glue Back to Back Mirror chips to the line,
Hang in Trees,
The Mirror chips are in Craft/Fabric stores,
I always use Fabri-Tac Glue, this is the name brand,
However I'm sure a type of Cement Glue would work,
They last forever and twinkle all Year Round !!!
So Glad to catch up with you all !!
Take a look at the Sale , Hope this inspires you to Keep Going !!! With work and play !
Be Safe and Sending Blessings to All of You,