Gift from Victorian Tailor

Greetings and Happy Holidays from Victorian Tailor !!!
It is that time of year for our
Victorian Tailor Christmas Gift Give A Way !!!!!
First here are some fun Christmas craft and recipe to share with you,

A Music Sheet Paper Chain, I think this is so cute, just cut strips from a music sheet, glue or staple strips together, glitter the edges !!!!
My Grandchildren love to make paper chains, this will be a fun one to do with them! You can make the strips any length/size you want for the chain.

This appetizer is like a little main dish, Chicken Salad on an apple slice,
I have also used a Brown Pear and Cucumber slice, for the cucumber I change the walnut to a slice of red onion,
Slice your apples or brown pear, (a mandolin works really well to get consistant slices) set in lemon water, make your favorite chicken salad, set apple/pear on towel to dry, spread salad on apple/pear or cucumber and top with a walnut/onion, store in plastic container or set on platter and serve! Try a sugared walnut also for topping.
Now here is our Gift this year!
A pair of Mittens, Felted Wool Christmas Tree, and a Christmas Gift Cone Ornament filled with Candy!!

How To Enter Give A Way:
Leave a comment at the end of this post telling us you have received/read this newsletter and would like to be entered in the drawing, then click on this word, Facebook Icon which will take you to the page and "Like" our Facebook "Page", be sure you have "Liked " the "Page" not a Post. If you are already a Facebook member, simply leave us a comment.
We will draw a winner next the week of 12-14-15, and contact the winner through the comment register.
My staff and I Thank You for your entry and your emails, and wish you good luck on the drawing.
We wish for you and your family's a safe and healthy Christmas Season,