Halloween Party

Lets Have our Own Halloween Party, with a
" Give A Way !!! "
I am All Decorated for Halloween !!!!!! My second favorite Holiday !!!
Lots of Blacks and Pinks for October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month !!!
30% off Pink Clothing, proceeds to Susan G. Komen, on Line and in My Shop !!!!

Walk the Pumpkin Path ........................

Hang the Decorations........................
Don't Forget the Refreshments !!!

So Simple and Yet So Spooky !!
Make your usual Deviled Egg Recipe
Get a can of Black Olives,
Cut the olive in half for the Spider Body,
Then cut legs with another Olive sliced in Lengthwise Strips !!!! Arrange on a spooky platter and Serve !!

Tissue Paper Ornament......................

Here is Our Give A Way,
"Pink for October" Scarves,
The Solid Pale Pink Scarf in the Photo!!!
A 29.00 Value !
Leave me an email at thevictoriantailor@gmail.com, saying you would like to be entered in the drawing Give A Way, using the words "pink give a way" !
We will draw the winner on Friday, October 26,
Finally we need a Simple Desert !

Pink Frosted Strawberry's !!!!
Use your favorite frosting,
Add a little extra liquid so you can drissle over the Strawberry's, Top with Edible Gold Dust or favorite Decoration !!!

Set your Halloween Table ......................
Thank You Again for your Email Address, and taking the time to open our Newsletter !!!
Have a fun and Safe Halloween !!!!
Blessings to You !!